Monday, August 20, 2007

Honor Your Feelings

Have you been in a meeting with someone and it seemed as if something was not right? Maybe you were uncomfortable or nervous; maybe the other person seemed agitated or upset...

Have you tried mentioning the uneasy feeling to that other person? You might be surprised by the results. Honor your feelings. More times than not when you honor your feelings and state what feel, the other person will respond with sincerity.

~~You are in a meeting and the tension is thick. You feel like you are just failing your presentation miserably. So you ask, "I feel like this is not what you expected. Is there something else you would like?"

"No, sorry, um, this is what I needed. I had an emergency call from corporate today. I apologize." comes the reply. ~~ So it turns out that the tension in the air has nothing to do with you and you can relax, maybe even help out.

But if you don't honor your feelings and ask you will never know. This is hard to do because it makes you feel a bit vulnerable but I recommend giving it a try. You may find that you will yield some very sincere and refreshing conversation and decrease that tension in the room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bullseye! Absolutley. Too much is lost in hindsight. Put it out there and the results could be even better than you imagined. Your peers/colleges will appreciate your honesty. It can be scary though - A