Friday, August 24, 2007

Key Moments

Every day many events occur in your life where you must make a choice in the way you react.

Someone showed up late again - You lost your data on your computer - You have a performance appraisal - You are presenting to a group of people - You struck out at the plate again...

Do you choose to see opportunities or barriers? These are Key Moments and you have a lot of them in your every day.

Our minds are a wonderful tool that allows us to interpret the world (reality) based on our personal views. So how do you view the world? Is it a place where you see adversity as a challenge to improve or do you see adversity as someone else is screwing up again? Maybe it's different based on the event.

Consider that your actions to the event send a message about your character. If you respond to an event by accepting the facts and taking responsibility you are acting from personal integrity. If you respond to an event by selecting facts and looking for the person responsible you are acting from fear. Integrity or fear - not both.

Do you confront your life and own your actions or are you avoiding responsibility?

Think about the key moments in your day and realize that there are at least two ways to respond. Consciously think about which path you chose and why. Now consider that the others around you are having their own key moments and they must also choose. Can you empathize with their choice? Do you understand where they are coming from during interactions with you?

There is a lot to learn about yourself and the people you associate with when you understand how key moments affect us. Give it a try.

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