Thursday, August 2, 2007

Have fun and smile

We all like to be around positive energy people and people that are having fun. Are you having fun and giving off positive energy?

We don't feel great everyday but we can take the time to smile. Smiling is a great way to turn attitudes around. I remember walking down Pier 39 in San Francisco and I deliberately chose to smile at those people I could make eye contact with. Not a cheesy fake smile, but a sincere nice to see you type of smile. It was amazing the number of sour faces that turned into smiling faces because I sent a little positive energy their way. I was 14 and this has stuck with me since.

As I carried this thought further along in my life I determined that if I give off positive energy to people (I smile, I laugh, make eye contact, act silly when needed) that positive energy people find me and it becomes a renewable energy source. I think this might work with negative, sour energy but I don't practice that.

So think about smiling and having fun, even in little ways, and see if you can change the attitudes of those around you.

Note: I will be practicing having fun next week - off to adult jazz camp - traditional jazz outdoors in the sierras. Whoo-hoo, I'll have a big smile for everyone.

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