Friday, August 3, 2007

What did you learn today?

Did you learn something today? What was it? How might this lesson apply to a future situation or a related situation?

You are your best teacher and often your worst student. The good news is that you can change that. Each day you do many activities that provide opportunities to learn and grow. You can borrow other people's experiences, read, attend classes, ask questions - all giving you more knowledge than you had. To become your own teacher you need to know what to do next. So ask yourself those questions above and teach yourself how to learn and let the student inside you come out.

I have a great example of how to be a stubborn student. I burn my mouth on hot pizza almost every time I order it. I know the sauce is hot. I know that it will burn my mouth. I eat it early anyway. But, I recognize what's going on and I could change my behavior if I don't want the consequences.

But to be a teacher to yourself you need to apply your lessons beyond the situation you were in. In my example above I have also taught myself that pierogies, potatoes, anything with hot cheese will also burn my mouth. I taught myself this because these foods have the same properties as pizza. They are hot and have something that retains heat for a long time. So I have the potential to avoid known consequences. It's now up to me to listen to my teacher and be a good student. (Patience, I won't starve to death!)

So, what did you learn today? Did you listen to your teacher?

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