Monday, August 27, 2007

Be Here Now

I have heard this statement many times and it is worth repeating – Be Here Now.

Live in your present moment. It is the only moment that you can directly affect.

Yesterday is a memory and great for learning and building.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so live in right now.

I often think of this when I supervise people and they require my attention. No matter what else I have going on; this person deserves that I am in the moment to listen to them. Sometimes I feel the stress of work piling up while I am talking to my staff, but I consciously set it aside and give them my full attention. I put my pen down, turn away from my computer, and look straight at them with my ears open. When I remember to do this the moment seems to change, in good ways, right in front of me. I see appreciation from my staff for my time, they take more responsibility so that they can better use my time, and it helps me focus on the important stuff and reminds me that it is the people I work with that really make a difference.

Sometimes I can say, “Be here now;” to help me sort out what needs my immediate attention.

Be here now.

Today. What can I do today that makes a difference?

Are you here now?

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