Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cherry Picking Checklists

Do you find that even despite your best efforts you are unable to get your chores done? I sometimes get caught without enough time to do tasks that I know need to get done because I need to “clean off my desk first” or “find the right pen” or “look up this one thing” or …. So I make up additional items on my list of things: clean desk, find pen, pay bills, etc. But my desk is never clean. I work at it but it never really gets done and then I do the important tasks in a last minute panic.

So I call my actions “cherry picking my checklist.” I do those things that seem easy but don’t add value to what’s important. Since I discovered how I make things harder on myself I try to recognize when I do this and stop for a minute to ask myself what is the most important? What adds value and needs to get done? And then, even if I go kicking and dragging my feet, I do what must be done. I feel better in the end and it turns out I have more time to clean my desk (but that’s not important so it does stay a mess, but I have time!).

Are you cherry picking your checklist and not getting things done? Start with the tasks that add value and stop putting it off because I have to….whatever.

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