Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Business Goals vs. Personal Goals?

Do the personal goals you have for life align with the goals you have for your business? Have you not ever thought about it like that? Or do you not even know?

If you feel frustrated, unhappy or unproductive at work (or running your business) a contributing factor may be that the things that are important to you are not what is expected of you at work.

For instance, it is important for you to be home for dinner every day to spend some time with the family. Well, maybe you haven’t thought about it that way but your spouse sure gets angry when you keep showing up late or not at all. You have missed your dinners with the family because work has kept you later and later. Those late nights at work are really not very productive for you because you know that when you get home you are in trouble for not being home earlier. Your work output in those late hours is not your best. In fact you can’t focus and you become snappy to your co-workers as the clock approaches 5:00 PM.

What is going on? Subconsciously you are committed to family first or, heck, maybe even those are the words you say but your actions have you putting work first. You have given work the time that they have paid for and now you are giving them free time at the expense of your most important life priority. Well no wonder you are snappy and not so productive! No wonder your spouse is upset, it looks like work is your number one priority!

The great news is that you have choices and can make conscious decisions.

Step 1: Recognize if you personal life goals and your work life goals can live happily together.

Step 2: Let people know what your goals are.

Step 3: Communicate compromises you have to make and give those compromises timelines. If you keep up the same behavior as above you really have chosen work as the first commitment. If it is to finish a project, that project must end and family will be first. Your family will know it because you are home for dinner.

Step 4: Reward yourself for make conscious choices about your life. You are in charge.

Step 5: Repeat.

This isn’t easy and sometimes not very clear at all. If you are frustrated, unhappy, or unproductive take a look at the goals in your life and see if it makes sense to you. This is the beginning of a work-life balance.

If you need help figuring it out, drop me a line, I’d be happy to help.


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Be sure and stop by and say HI!

Have a wonderful day... and then some.

Heidi Richards, Founder & CEO - The WECAI Network™ - “Helping Women Do Business on and off the WEB™”

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