Friday, September 7, 2007

Find your center

Yesterday I had the opportunity to listen and watch to some great motivational speakers. One of the topics they talked about was success and how to visualize success. Basically, you cannot just visualize the "finish line" you need to see what it looks like when your done. I absolutely agree as this keeps you from stopping short of your ultimate goals.

For an example the speaker used an analogy of breaking a pine board. Now, if you have done this before this task isn't that hard, but it isn't easy either. There is some technique required to be successful.

So the speaker brought up a volunteer and told her to visualize having broken the board, told her to practice the basic move, told her to act like she was Arnold Schwarzenegger and off she tried. 1, 2, 3 ka-bam - the board did not break. The speaker coached her some more and she tried two more times. She was a focused student but the board did not break.

This is what I saw. The speaker gave her a goal and showed her how to use the tool of a punch but he did not show her how to find her center, her foundation. See the trick to this task is to use the power of your core and drive that power through the board. Sure, if you are a strong person you can bust a board with just the strength of your arms, but that is not the point of harnessing your strength.

Find your center. Which means know where you come from, know where your strength lives inside you. Set up this foundation as the basis of beginning. If you don't have a solid foundation you decrease your chances of success at the end.

This women needed to set her feet, bend her knees and feel the power that runs through her body. This power is what needed to be focused on the spot just past the board, not just her hand. Be strong and focus your strength just past the finish line. You will find success.

1 comment:

Sheila Finkelstein said...

Hi Kristina,

I just picked up your link from the WECAI's 1st FridayZ list serv. Your story of breaking the board brings back memories. I was at an Anthony Robbins workshop many years ago and one of the exercises was breaking a plywood board approximately 8" X 10" and 3/4" to 1" thick. There was NO WAY I was going to even attempt this!

We all had to sign releases whether we were participating or not. Then we got into a large circle and one by one individuals went into the center and followed the process we had observed on the video, which did include the bended knee that you mentioned. As I watched most of the people successfully breaking the board, my competitive spirit kicked in. "If they can do it, I can do it!" So I went for it. It took me two attempts before I succeeded on the third!

It's interesting to read your interpretation of the process. Other than the support, I got I have no recollection of the actual, final successful thrust. I was simply in the moment.

Thanks for memories. As I recall the experience, I sit here proudly and erect.

(As, I reread my words in preview, my body is starting to recreate the total "oneness" of the flow of motion, the "centeredness" of which you speak.)

With appreciation,

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