Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Things that must be done

We all have our lists of "Things To Do." So how is it that at the end of the day it feels like you missed something? That's because we do not focus and prioritize our list.

We have things on the list because our boss needs it, our staff needs it, our customer needs it, our spouse needs it, I need it. We have things on the list that we enjoy doing, don't mind doing, and "isn't there something else I can do to put this off." So how can you focus and feel more productive?

You have priorities in your life, write those down. It could be that your number one priority is family, number two is work, number three is etc... This action already is helping you see how to focus on the things that must be done.

What are "Things That Must Be Done?" These are the tasks and actions in your day that cannot wait one more day to fulfill your life's priorities. This is not the list of most important things. For instance paying bills is imporant but it doesn't make the "Things That Must Be Done" list until the due date.

1. Prioritize the goals in your life.
2. For each day make a list of the Things That Must Be Done that day to meet your goals.
3. You can add other important things to the list, but at the bottom.
4. Start on the acting on the item at the top - it must be done!

Notice: This does not take into account whether you like the action or not. It simply focuses you on the steps required to meet your goals.

Check it out and see if at the end of the day you feel as if more stuff that mattered got done. Let me know if it helps!

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