Thursday, July 26, 2007

Making Sense = Making Cents

Business happens at an incredibly fast pace and requires that you have a broad range of knowledge to make rapid decisions. How can you keep up and keep moving in the right direction? Simple common sense.

It seems in our highly technical world we sometimes forget that a simple "gut check" of the situation may be the key to the answer.

I spoke with a retired hardware store owner and he described to me all the things he had to make decisions on every day: cash flow, sales, inventory, customers, staff, vendors, bankers, accountants, etc. His expertise in hardware was way down the list, an important foundation, but no longer a hot topic he got to enjoy every day. So was he an expert in all those other areas - No way! He said what kept him moving towards his business goals was good old fashioned common sense. If something seemed out of place, odd, or caught his attention, he would stop to ask if it made any sense. Why was bulk inventory of widget A being ordered when I see some on the shelf? How do I position my financials to get lines of credit with my vendors? Why did lawn mowers sales drop off? Simple questions but all tied to his business strategy to run a profitable store.

Moral of the story - Remember Common Sense is a very powerful tool to deliver cents - or dollars - to your business.

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