Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Office Politics Getting You Down

Some days it seems as if there are so many agendas and side deals going on that no productive work can get done. Office politics will happen as long as there are people working together. Many times the politics are destructive but sometimes it can create productive synergies.

Today I was involved with a bunch of different agencies designed to help out business development in the local community. All the parties recognize that they need to work together to make the town stronger yet something is holding them from collaboration.

A friend of mine is working with a project team that is supposed to have the best and brightest working to a common goal. Instead it is slow going and it seems to be a long way from true collaboration.

Why does this happen? The answer is easy, actually, there is no trust. The tough part is what to do about it. This is the toughest part because the first person to start a trusting relationship is you. You need to learn to recognize how your communications can lead to mistrust. And you must learn how to be transparent in your goals.

Will politics ever go away? No. But trusting each other can help make the politics less frustrating and maybe even lead us to high performance teams.

Be strong. Be transparent.

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